
The documents listed below are for Styla partner agencies who set up accounts and external integrations for their (and Styla's) clients. In order to do what is described on the following pages one needs an access to Styla Organization Manager with appropriate rights, which most Styla clients don't get. This is why these pages are not listed in the main sidebar navigation.

Managing Styla Accounts

Describes how to create new organizations, domains and users and how to configure feature flags and other settings for them.

Setting up Styla CSS

Describes how to configure CSS for a newly created Styla domain, its structure and inheritance from a top-level to single module instance.

Content Segmentation

Describes integration, setup and usage of the feature that lets you display different content of a specific Styla page for different audience segments

Setting up Product Integration

Describes how to set up a source of product data for Styla Editor.

Custom Modules

Describes development of new modules matching client's special requirements and available in Styla Editor for this client only.